From 1824, we learn that the construction of a new school building in Bukowiec was largely her work, and that took care of the garden, and taught the children przyszkolnym gardening. We should mention also that every child konfirmowanego gave a cherry tree as a gift, and respectful of each bride and groom - pear tree, so as to popularize the fruit. " There is so much work and so much spending, and so little income , "she complained. However admirable is her philosophy of life, which is expressed as follows: "We should thank God , who gave each of us so much work in my profession! Znosiłabym How is life, if it were otherwise? Certainly, it is sometimes beyond their strength, and I would be able to relax more, and soak in the beauty Bukowiec. Yes, however, is definitely better for me and is happy to live through those days also, which I totally do not like. This is not our Fortunately, that everything shall be so arranged as you so wish, but that everything is just as devoted to us the hand of providence .
In October this year raised its deep sympathy to the fire of the mining town of Copper; commemorating her husband is always lively interest in the fate of the miners, when he died in 1825, its former marketing manager, and she had hired in his place no one else, her interests began to flourish.
To prevent poverty, which brought snow and cold winter 1827, once again organized a chapter of potatoes and flour, flax or sold at low prices. In April, had to go to Teplice in the 18-day swimming, but also at that time stopped working. She took with him a whole bunch of accounts, tables and descriptions of the Biblical study, and looked from time to time to Bukowiec to visually see the progress in agriculture.
cornfield Her action is constantly developing. As soon learned that Lutherans from Hermannsseifen ( Heřmanovy Safes ) near Johannisbad ( Janské Lázně ) ran out of funds to build the school, organized a fundraiser and collected the amount transferred in person. Similarly, effectively reacted when in 1829 allowed the talented but poor rysownikowi Schwencke of Kowary studies at the Royal Academy of Drawing in Berlin.
That summer, he again had to use the treatment in Teplice, this time without good results. She suffered for a long time, but this has not limited its activities and hospitality. Sudden tearing off the clouds in June resulted in w ogrodach, na polach i łąkach szkody oszacowane na 1000 talarów; ona jednak nie załamywała rąk, lecz dziękowała Bogu za to, że żywioł oszczędził ludzi i zwierzęta. Kolejna sroga zima groziła rozprzestrzenieniem się nędzy; od króla uzyskała pomoc przy zakupie lnu i ziemniaków dla biednych mieszkańców górskich wsi. Handlarze żądali 15 fenigów, ona mogła sprzedawać za 9. Jakimi zasadami kierowała się w swoim działaniu wyjaśnia następujący fragment z jednego z jej listów: „ Mimo najszczerszych chęci, nie możemy ustrzec wszystkich przed niedostatkiem, jednak musimy powstrzymać them from begging, because it is rolling like a cancer, once popróbowawszy idleness, it is hard to get rid of this habit . " When he learned that in the district handed out kamiennogórskim bread is free, she wrote: "And why not for half the price? Through half the price obtained may be extended after the time when such assistance will be offered. Giving free diminishes the value of man and makes him some kind of beggar, and paying for what is necessary increases its value, and above all leads to the hard work that protects against evil .
strange countess addressed the issue in 1830. From archival documents, it was known that around the year 1680 one of the great grandchildren of Martin Luther in the Czech Republic to Catholicism. Commissioned by the Countess of studies have shown that a distant relative of the renegade was poor and lived in the tiny village of saddlers Stöcken ( Štoky ) near Deutschbrod ( Německý Brod). He had documents proving this fact, and was willing to educate her eight-year son Anton in the faith of his praprzodka, Martin Luther. Countess ordered to bring boy to Bukowiec, in which they helped her evangelical friends in the village Heřmanovy safes. Gave him new clothes and for some time left with him to finally send it - and some time later with his brother Johannes and their three sisters - to the center of St. Martin in Erfurt.
The June arrival of the king and the Empress Karpniki caused the Russian to the influx of high-born visitors and numerous calls for a return visit, the royal commission has also brought him a delicate tulle get linen for gifts for Russian visitors, making 8000 dollars went through her hands to the poor weavers.
Also in June, she went for treatment to Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary ). On the way back in a Czech village broke down the carriage. While the vehicle is repaired, the countess went to one of the huts, where he established a conversation with the poor, with many a woman who openly admitted that he is too poor to send her son to learn Franzl profession. These people, and he fell to the Countess Franzl extremely liked, so she took the boy to Bukowiec and wyedukowała him so that he could move into the world alone.
in 1831 sparked concern from the Polish impending cholera epidemic, therefore, immediately opened a cafeteria in order to strengthen the weakened resistance of malnourished residents of nearby villages.
With great pain, had to accept the news of the death of two friendly men, vom Stein and Gneisenau (Stein died on June 29, 1831, and the Gneisenau on August 24 that same year), this year also brought a joyous event: twice visited at home and heir to the throne of Prussia - as it seems - from this time took up this extraordinary spiritual kinship, which lasted until her death.
Although great care so she managed to get out of a severe illness, which was made in the autumn and has taken on new responsibilities However, the full health never returned.
great joy and was the fact that in 1832 the king purchased the property in Mysłakowice, which gave them hope for more frequent contacts with the royal family. Her favorite at that time was Eliza Radziwill, whose well-known love story has followed with great sympathy.
In 1833, the Countess decided to re-write the Bible Jeleniogórska. Although it was released - with comments from the pastor Ehrenfried Liebig Lomnica - in 1756, published by Krahn in Jelenia Gora, but the response was so small that many copies earmarked for waste paper. However, since the voices were heard demanding a new release, the countess took up the matter with the ordinary u niej energią i podjęła rozmowy z księgarzem Krahnem w Jeleniej Górze. Jednak realizacja tego pomysłu musiała się opóźnić, albowiem wydarzyło się coś, co całkowicie zawładnęło jej sercem i umysłem: przybycie Zillertalczyków.
Już 17 sierpnia króla napisał do niej: „ Kowary i ich najbliższe okolice wybrane zostały na tymczasową siedzibą emigrantów, pan nadprezydent von Merckel zajmuje się przygotowaniami do ich przyjęcia. Będzie chciał w tej sprawie zasięgnąć Pani rady, a Ja – będąc od dawna przekonanym o Madam great goodness - I am sure that you will be persecuted for their faith and support newcomers Lady work which requires as much feeling as well as religion. So please accept my intercession for them and count on my gratitude. Frederick William .
immediately took the lead on this occasion created the Welcome Committee for Tyroleans and started feverish activities. Held daily at Bukowiec or Kowary meetings, chapter aimed to get the brothers in the faith, concern for their physical and spiritual needs, Finally, the permanent settlement, and clashes with some dissatisfied Merckelem Zillertalczykami and other matters associated with it, took it entirely up to the year 1839 and brought her here's an expression of royal gratitude: "Let it be you believe, dear Countess, that with great gratitude I see that my trust reposed in you was fully justified, and has met my expectations of you with great caution. May God reward you want it! .
In August 1839, the last time she saw and talked with the king. His death on 7 June 1840, experienced a very painful, is also deeply felt Zillertalczycy this loss and in tears, gathered around the "Mother" to remember their most faithful ally. Countess mourning brightened the meeting with the new king, Frederick William IV, who in August 1840, arrived and also visited Mysłakowice Bukowiec. About this meeting, so she wrote in her letters: "It was a fine meeting" - " While the king was way before me like a son, so now I feel a greater commitment, trust i wyrozumiałość ” – „ Postanowiłam, że 15 października na królewskim biurku znajdzie się mój wyraz hołdu dla niego; nikt inny nie złoży mu bardziej wiernego ”.
W tym czasie hrabina otrzymywała wielokrotnie oferty kupna dóbr w Bukowcu. Napisała o tym w 1841 r.: „S ama myśl o sprzedaży Bukowca wydaje mi się tak potworna, że nie mogę sobie wyobrazić, jak ktoś, kto mnie zna, choćby przez oka mgnienie mógł o tym pomyśleć. Czyż nie zauważa, że to tu stoi Opactwo, że każde drzewo, każdy krzew is a memory or a monument of love? . "
this fall when the king came again to the Giant Mountains, presented to the Countess of its intention to build a hospital in Mysłakowice; gave her the 2000 dollars on a new edition of the Bible Jeleniogórskiej and 625 dollars for the purchase of linen, which would give to the person accompanying him .
this diligently began preparing to print the Bible, but here's the Countess received from the king of a new task. Bought by him in 1841 the old wooden Norwegian church had stand in Silesia and serve the Protestant church services. The Countess, which was commissioned to find the most appropriate place, in such terms was drawn to the king: "He must stand Mysłakowice and serve over celebrations for the village and the house Forst (Budniki) Wolfshau (Wolf Poreba) Baberhäuser (Borowice) Bruckenberg (Mountain Bridge , Today: Karpacz Gorny) . " At the same time proposed to erect a wooden house in a similar style for the pastor and teacher. The king was delighted with the idea and decided that a settlement consisting of a church, rectory and school Wang was called, but the church was dedicated to Our Saviour. Two bells, which would endow the king, had to hang in accordance with the Norwegian custom (and also due to the fact that the same church that they are not accommodated) in a separate, freestanding tower.
At the end of April 1842 the wooden parts of the church reached Hohenzillerthal ( colony now houses a Tyrolean between Miłków Sosnowka - editor. crowd.), And August 2 the King, accompanied by the Countess von Reden laid the foundation stone for the construction. Werkenthina candidate appointed pastor, who in later years as superintendent led the diocese Jeleniogórska. Construction started briskly, Countess change, however many classes and forced the intense correspondence with the king, who decided on every detail of construction, and so, for example, ordered the presbytery and the school have been impregnated with wood preservatives and non-flammable.
Finally, on July 28, 1844, on a beautiful summer Sunday, after the countess passed through the hands of almost every element of finishing the church, All drawings and sketches, vestments and sacred vessels, the ceremonial opening of the temple where the king appeared with his wife and many other honorable guests ( at the time of departure of the royal couple from Berlin, the former mayor of the capital Tschech gave to the king of gun shots, no However, hitting them, so travel is not canceled ).
At the same time, began printing the Bible Jeleniogórska. In March 1842 the Countess received the first sheets, commenting on the event arcyważne these words: "I can not describe with which emotion and the joy I spread the cards - the result of ten years of hope, work and requests. The king ordered it to hand out to all schools in Silesia, and even plans to send out a single copy to all schools in the kingdom, to completely eliminate Dinterscha Bible. " Completed work, however, only saw the Bible in 1844
Despite intensive classes and hardships associated with the arrival of Zilletralczyków, church structure and printing the Bible Wang Jeleniogórska - next regular duties associated with running the assets - yet there was still time to act on behalf of their subjects.
poor villagers to ensure fair employment, to always in the summer of 1843, factory gloves. 19 girls found work immediately, a further 21 was intended to employ later. Teaching profession took up sewing the manager, the whole custody exercised by Countess. Today ( ie in 1913 - editor. crowd.) On the label, however, was not even the smallest trace. She was also the initiator of the creation of nurseries for służek for which this idea could win the support of the king.
At the request of the Countess, whose intention was to help ubożejących sharply in 1843, weavers, the king ordered for the palace in Mysłakowice sheets with a value of 1800 dollars. Submitted by the king and the rectory Wang furniture contract allowed her to help artisans from various industries. On behalf of Berlin, formed in the central association, which undertook major contracts for the Silesian linen cloth, took on the task of a warship equipped with all the necessary elements of flax; the king made the order on her hands linen shirts, which were then transferred to different villages sołtysom intended for mountain guides and porters. In May 1844, the countess paid 10,000 dollars for flax, and in June came the next order with a value of 15,000 dollars.
her wards to become the next couple Werkenthin. She participated in all the festivities taking place in the church Wang, while supplying a small house with all the necessary products: vegetables, grapes, owoce, wędliny i. t. p. „ albowiem musza oni ” – pisała – „ zaopatrzyć się we wszystko na ten czas, gdy komunikacja z doliną jest niemożliwa ”. Pastor z małżonką byli także częstymi gośćmi w Bukowcu, gdzie pani pastorowa pomagała w każdej kwestii, związanej z gospodarką, a Werkenthin organizował dla domowników budujące pogawędki. Troska hrabiny o pastora była tak wielka, że kupiła mu nawet osła, by mógł korzystac z niego podczas odwiedzin u obłożnie chorych.
Ciężka zima przełomu lat 1846/47 Countess again spillover concerns. To control the rampant poverty, the Minister Rother zwiózł Mysłakowice rice, cereal and flour, which is divided among the needy, selling at very low prices. " I hope that no one starves ," wrote the happy, and personally chose the seed in spring in the basement, to be able to count on a large harvest of potatoes. 61 families who paid only a quarter of the market price was thus uszczęśliwionych.
the same 1847 years has been a serious accident. August 22, accompanied by close relatives went to Wang, to participate in religious services. Once she went to the rectory, to greet the pastor. But because it was busy talking to other faithful who came to him from various things, she went to church to show their relatives donated the crucifix, the work of woodcarver Jacob. On the steps of the altar, fell over and broke her left arm. It was moved to the rectory, but she remained calm and cold blood, saying: "I fell true, but at the cross and the altar of the Lord. He already knows why it did serve . " However, the doctor turned up after several hours. After they could return to Bukowiec, but it was already old in September, 73-year-old lady could venture to leave the walls of the palace, however, sitting in a wheelchair.
Perturbations of 1848, which was felt also in Valley, still suffering Countess, forced to leave Bukowiec. March 21 went to relatives to Jänkendorf Lusatia, whence came back in July - and you are feeling depressed. Her ill health has resulted in hits fever, so the next winter has become difficult to bear. In the spring of 1849, came a bit to himself, and in summer convalescence progressed so rapidly that in September, could take part in the celebration of the centenary of the evangelical church in Bukowiec. Also in subsequent years continued its charitable activities, but the life force slowly leave it. In winter 1852/53 year he had violent seizures of total exhaustion and dizziness. But when she felt a little better - she wrote or dictated, went well with a trip to the beloved Mysłakowice, where he had noted with regret, that one or another of the Tyrolean friends gone forever ( in January 1853, died the leader Tyroleans Johannes Fleidl ). But she could not visit the church already, so listen to sermons and received the sacrament of Holy Communion at home.
In August 1853, it was the experience great joy when her deceased husband were raised in Königshütte ( Chorzow ) monument in recognition of his contribution to the Silesian mining and metallurgy. Its author was Theodor Erdmann Kalida, Kalida metallurgical inspector's son in The Godfather and son Königshütte Count Reden. The king, who took part in the ceremony of unveiling the monument came from there straight to the widow, to pass her relationship with this event, which rejoiced exceedingly, and touched it. This was her last meeting with a friend crowned. May 14, 1854, two days after his 80th birthday, gently fell asleep forever, and May 19 the burial took place at the Abbey, alongside her husband.
Two years later Frederick William IV ordered the construction of this monument at the outset, the inscription is a brief biography of this so very well deserved for the Karkonosze women. The inscription reads:
"Johanna Juliane Countess Friederike von Reden, born Baroness von Riedesel zu Eisenach, a widow since 1815, the state minister Count von Reden, who was born in Wolfenbüttel 12 May 1774 r ., died May 14, 1854 Bukowiec the
faithful and humble disciple of God, your Savior, faithful in every detail, the fate of persevering in adversity, always remaining themselves to large and small, the mother of the poor, a source of good advice and help, the house was the bedrock of support in Szklarska Poreba, nurse settled here, were expelled from their homeland for their faithfulness to the Gospel Zillertalczyków. In 1815, and her husband founded the Bible Society in Silesia, and chaired it until his death, the Bible was saved from complete oblivion Jeleniogórska, promoting it; protected the ancient church in Norway Wangu from destruction, for her advice, it came here, acting parish church for the residents. In 1848, at the age of 74 years, forced to flee from those who ought to have her gratitude for the charity's physical and mental, paid off their double love, converted many hearts, while the mountains and valleys of the light shining Protestant faith.
Lord fulfilled all promises intended for her: the struggle and sorrow and victory and salvation of those who love Him.
King Frederick William IV, from the dawn of this century, endowed with this unforgettable friendship, he commanded to erect this monument to the ongoing love, recognition and gratitude, in 1856. "
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